
Buildings, Case Study, Planning, TrueViewVisuals

Visualising vegetation and screening over time

We recently worked with Muirhall Energy on their Energy Storage project in Erskine.  This project is to support the planning application for the construction of an energy storage site of 16 battery storage containers and associated other infrastructure. TrueViewVisuals produced the photomontages including screening effects from vegetation planting. This project has now been submitted into

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Canada, Customer, Terrain, TrueViewVisuals

TrueViewVisuals: Now in the Rockies!


As previously announced (here), we recently worked in partnership with Green Cat Renewables Canada Corporation to bring the TrueViewVisuals augmented reality experiences to Alberta in Canada. This post explains how we sourced and processed the terrain data to make it accessible in our visualisation software. Terrain Data Akin to the Ordnance Survey in the UK, the

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Planning, Rural Planning, Solar, TrueViewVisuals

Visual Impact of Solar Farms

The visual impact of a Solar Farm is a key consideration in getting a development through the planning system. The Department for Energy and Climate Change specifically mention visual impact in their Planning and Practice Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy the visual impact of a  well-planned and well-screened solar farm can be properly addressed within the

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